All posts by Robert Lenna

Robert Lenna

About Robert Lenna

My professional career has been involved in bringing to Maine the financial capital to build our infrastructure of housing, schools, roads, hospitals, colleges, water and sewer districts. As Executive Director of four independent state authorities charged with putting together public financing for hundreds of infrastructure projects I was responsible for bringing billions of dollar into the Maine economy.

A morally blind President

It took two days, after a measly waffle statement referencing the multiple sides of view on white supremacy, racism and the death of a thirty two year old woman whose message to her fellow Americans was that hatred, bigotry, and racism are not what makes America great,  before the President of the United States deigned […]

Sledge hammer government

I have long believed that the historic tragedy that resulted in the United States becoming the eight hundred pound gorilla stomping its way around the world, telling other countries what to do and how to do it was neither good for the American people nor, more often than not, for the countries we were confronting […]

Trump forgets that “Loose Lips Sink Ships”

Amidst the multitudinous scary, dismaying and hurtful actions we have seen across the length and breadth of the first six months or so of the Trump Administration, there is one set of actions attached specifically to the President which have not appeared to generate the very serious concern they deserve.  These actions, each made directly […]